Cafe and Lemon Cookies

 Here's how I decorated the cafe and lemon cookies.


First, I applied runny dark grey icing with a flat paintbrush. Then I drew outlines of the windows and door with a scriber.

Piped double outlines because I wanted to make the walls around the windows flat.

Then flooded with grey and black icing.

For the window panes, I used "mizuame," which is very similar to corn syrup. (In Japan, corn syrup is not common.)


On the grey wall, I dabbed grey icing with a paintbrush to give it a different texture, which is often seen on teddy bear cookies. The stripy awning and the wreaths are royal icing transfers.



Stripy awnings were leftovers from the cookies below. Anyway I decided to make these cafe and lemon cookies because I wanted to used up leftovers.


As for the lemon cookies, I like how the contrast of lemons and leaves turned out. I made lemons puffy, and the leaves thin and flat. I piped outlines of leaves and after they dried, I applied runny green icing with a paintbrush and painted them.


You can see the video of how to pipe flowers with a tip on cookies here.


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