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My Christmas 3D Cookie Projects

I am writing about my Christmas 3D projects. This year I made a hutch decorated in a Christmassy way. I have made a gingerbread house or a Christmassy 3D object almost every year since 2013. (I started cookie decorating in 2012.)  I didn't make one in 2017. I made a Pegasus music box in the following February instead. So, the hutch is my 9th Christmas 3D project. Before I write about the hutch, let's look back on what I constructed before. The first one in 2013 was made for a magazine's article. Actually, I had never made a gingerbread house before that. It wasn't bad for the first attempt.   In 2014, I flooded the whole house with icing.   In 2015, I tried a more elaborate design.   In 2016, I made houses in Amsterdam. In 2018, I made a small house to teach in my class. It could hold lollies inside.   In 2019, I made a Christmas sleigh. This was also for teaching.     In 2020, I made a house decorated both inside and outside.   In 2021, I came up with a dreamy idea: a

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