Piping Flower on Cookie Tutorial

Piping a flower with a tip on flower-shaped cookies is a very quick way to decorate cookies.

Here's the tutorial.


To pipe flowers on cookies like this, I need to put the cookies on a flower nail. (Maybe you can put cookies on your turntable but using a flower nail is easier.)
I glue cookies to parchment paper with icing and the parchment paper is attached to the nail with double-sided adhesive tape.

The problem is it leaves a strange mark like this.


I used brown leftover icing because I thought it wouldn't stand out. Is it acceptable?

If you don't like it, you can shave it off using Microplane Zester Grater.

This grater is super handy, especially when I make gingerbread houses. You can get completely straight cookie edges.

In the video, compared to the flower in the pictures below, I seemed to move the tip up and down more, so the petals look different... (I didn't do it on purpose.)  I think both are fine.



These flower cookies are perfect as "fillers" when you make a set of cookies. They fill in the gaps in the photo and add some colour.

In the photo below, both the flowers and leaves are piped with a tip directly on cookies. I noticed if I combine cutters, I can hold the cookies in your hand and pipe flowers and leaves without using a flower nail. I think I'll try that next time...


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